domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

Student responsibilities

The compromise, election and the enjoying of the CAS experiences are essential in the CAS program of the student. Students must have the power of: Choose, propose and perform experiences, with the orientation of their assessors.

CAS Students must:
  • Get a proactive attitude in CAS.
  • Develop clear expectatives and goals of CAS.
  • Explore and get new attitudes related with the profile of the IB community.
  • Complete personal goals.
  • Discuss the plans of CAS experiences with the CAS assessor.
  • Guide their project with the stages of CAS.
  • Participate in more than one experience or CAS project.
  • Develop their personal abilities.
  • Demonstrate goals in the CAS program.
  • Ensure the balance between the areas of CAS.

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