domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

CAS experiences

A CAS experience is a specific event in which the student work with one or more of the three areas of CAS.A project of CAS is a group of CAS experiences that must last minimum a month.

CAS experiences should:

• Work with one or more areas of CAS.
•Work in base of an interest, ability or personal talent.
• Develop the attitudes of an excellent profile of an IB student.
• They can’t be part of their homeworksof the signatures of the IB diploma. 

In the other hand in the practice of the CAS experience the student should:

  1. ·         Complete a personal and social challenge.
  2. ·         Get objectives that involve all the expectations of their project.
  3. ·         Show evidence of planification and evaluation of the process.
  4. ·         Include registers of the entire process.
  5. ·         Show a personal reflection about their achieved goals.

“A good CAS project is the one that arise of a personal compromise in benefit of the other”


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