domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

Student responsibilities

The compromise, election and the enjoying of the CAS experiences are essential in the CAS program of the student. Students must have the power of: Choose, propose and perform experiences, with the orientation of their assessors.

CAS Students must:
  • Get a proactive attitude in CAS.
  • Develop clear expectatives and goals of CAS.
  • Explore and get new attitudes related with the profile of the IB community.
  • Complete personal goals.
  • Discuss the plans of CAS experiences with the CAS assessor.
  • Guide their project with the stages of CAS.
  • Participate in more than one experience or CAS project.
  • Develop their personal abilities.
  • Demonstrate goals in the CAS program.
  • Ensure the balance between the areas of CAS.

CAS experiences

A CAS experience is a specific event in which the student work with one or more of the three areas of CAS.A project of CAS is a group of CAS experiences that must last minimum a month.

CAS experiences should:

• Work with one or more areas of CAS.
•Work in base of an interest, ability or personal talent.
• Develop the attitudes of an excellent profile of an IB student.
• They can’t be part of their homeworksof the signatures of the IB diploma. 

In the other hand in the practice of the CAS experience the student should:

  1. ·         Complete a personal and social challenge.
  2. ·         Get objectives that involve all the expectations of their project.
  3. ·         Show evidence of planification and evaluation of the process.
  4. ·         Include registers of the entire process.
  5. ·         Show a personal reflection about their achieved goals.

“A good CAS project is the one that arise of a personal compromise in benefit of the other”


Final results of CAS

Students should get at the final of the Project CAS the next goals:

  1. Identify their abilities and difficulties to reforce that specific area.
  2. Show their new abilities that were obtained in the new challenges of their own personal projects.
  3. Be able to start and plan a new CAS experience.
  4. Show perseverance in the CAS experiences.
  5. Increase abilities of team work and recognize the importance of this way of working.
  6. Show interest on the problems of their world.
  7. Recognize the consequences of the decisions and actions of planning a CAS experience. 

Relevance in the IB diploma

The IB diploma want to make people to have the next qualities: Solidarity, informed of the knowledge, capable to create a better world and the intercultural respect.

CAS give students the opportunity of develop many of the qualities and attitudes of the IB community profile. For this reason CAS help students to have more confidence about their abilities, interests and personal attitudes.

To begin with, the profile of the community of IB requires these principal abilities:
  • The ability of invistigation
  • The ability of communication
  • The ability of thinking
  • Social abilities
  • The ability of self-management

Also CAS and TOK (theory of knowledge) are essential to get the IB diploma.Thar’s why all IB students must complete a CAS program which can be documented as early as the first day of junior year and continues throughout senior year. The CAS program includes documented evidence of participating in various experiences and at least one CAS project with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service.

Objective of CAS

The principal objective of CAS is to contribute the development of the students:
  •          Students have to think in a reflexive way, so they have to understand their limitations and abilities, they have to recognize their objectives and they need to design their strategies for their personal development. 
  •          They need to be available to accept the new challenges and the new roles.
  •          They need to be conscious about their new role in different communities, with different responsibilities related to their personal and work objective.
  •          They need to participate actively in all kinds of projects.
  •          They have to enjoy and value their participation in the different activities.

The areas of CAS

The three areas are the principal component of the personal development of an IB student. Students participate in different activities related to the academic discipline of the Ib diploma. That’s why each area searches the development of new personal abilities of each student:
  •          Creativity: Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance.
  •          Activity: Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
  •          Service: Collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need.

What is CAS?

CAS, this three letters are the abbreviation of the real meaning of the three essential elements and areas that every student must complete as part of the IB diploma: Creativity, activity and service.

CAS makes possible to intensify and extend the learning of the experiences of the program helped by the personal and interpersonal development, the participation of the IB students in different activities like: art, sports and community service. The last one is the one that constitute transforming experiences, with transcendence for the IB student’s life.CAS is situated in the heart of the Program of the IB diploma. Is one of the three essential elements to complete the diploma.